Saturday, November 9th
9:00 am - 11:00 am, Upasana Odissi Cultural Dance Group - Fellowship Hall
Sunday, November 10th
9:00am –10:00am Tewksbury Worship Service
10:00am –10:15am Share, Prayer & Care
10:30am –11:30am Worship Service Wilmington
10:40am Sunday School Rooms 2-4- and 2-5
12:00pm Safe Sanctuary Meeting- Octagon Room 2-6
3:00pm –5:00pm Pastor Deja Clement Worship Sunday
Monday, November 11th
9:00am Veteran's Day Breakfast- Son's and Daughters of Italy, Location Fellowship Hall
3:30pm –6:30pm (WUMC) Outreach Group at St. Paul's Kitchen.
5:30pm Cub Scout Pack 361 -Fellowship Hall
7:00pm Social Concerns
Tuesday, November 12th
10:00am –11:00am Staff Meeting - Peter's Office
6:00pm –9:00pm Boy Scouts Troop 56 Fellowship Hall
6:30pm –8:30pm Liz and Martha Stevenson's Meeting - Rooms 2-4 & 2-5
Wednesday, November 13th
7:00pm –9:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous Coffee Room 2-7
7:30pm Agenda Planning -Peter's Office
Thursday, November 14th
11:00am Windsor Place Bible Study
6:30pm Gamblers Anonymous Group Coffee Room 2-7
7:00pm –9:00pm Biblical Study with Pastor Clement's Octagon Room 2-6
7:00pm –8:30pm Choir Rehearsals - Sanctuary
Friday, December 6
The WUMC Movie Night, 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Christmas Trees are Coming!!
Christmas Trees will be delivered Sunday, November 24th at 8:00am. Volunteers are needed to help unload our annual Christmas tree delivery, call the Church's Office Secretary at (978)- 658-4519 to sign up. Coffee, Pastries and more will be served, we'll love to see you there!